Branded retail gasoline & diesel
Windstar Branded Retail Fuels
Instant brand recognition is a powerful force. With numerous fuel brands to choose from, consumers rely most on those they know and trust. Affiliating your business with the Windstar brand or our licenced Conoco-Phillips brands in Mexico helps you establish a broad, steady consumer base.
Count on Windstar for:
Reliable Fuel Supply – Guaranteed
In the volatile energy sector, as a leading fuel supplier you can’t afford any disruptions in delivery. Windstar offers a start-to-finish service, ensuring a steady supply of fuel to your stations. Learn more about Last Mile Delivery.
Partner with Major U.S. Brands
We supply both top U.S. market fuel brands and our own Windstar brand fuels. Windstar branded fuels come with a specially formulated additive package.
Service in the Field
Our representatives are active in the field daily, ensuring superior service and support.